

Senate Standing Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs, Parliament of Australia, Two Hundred Years Later …: Report on the Feasibility of a Compact or ‘Makarrata’ between the Commonwealth and Aboriginal People (1983)


Sean Brennan et al, Treaty (Federation Press, 2004)

Peter Read, Gary Meyers and Bob Reece (eds), What Good Condition?: Reflections on an Australian Aboriginal Treaty 1986–2006 (ANU E Press and Aboriginal History Inc, 2006)

Treaty: Let’s Get it Right! (ATSIC and AIATSIS, 2001)

Journal Articles

Peter Andren, ‘Thoughts on the Treaty in Australia’ (2002) 5 Indigenous Law Bulletin 8

Sean Brennan, Brenda Gunn and George Williams, ‘Sovereignty and its Relevance to Treaty-Making Between Indigenous Peoples and Australian Governments’ (2004) 26Sydney Law Review307

Ravi de Costa, ‘Treaty How?’ (2003) 4(1) The Drawing Board: An Australian Review of Public Affairs 1

Other Resources

Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements Project website

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Treaty website

Joel Gibson, ‘Chief Justice Backs Aboriginal Treaty’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 28  March 2009 

Hannah McGlade, ‘Treaty and the Reform of Race Discrimination Law’ (Paper delivered at the Negotiating Settlements: Indigenous Peoples, Settler States and the Significance of Treaties and Agreements Seminar, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 16 April 2002)

Lester-Irabinna Rigney, ‘Bread Versus Freedom: Treaty and Stabilising Indigenous Languages’ (Speech delivered at the National Treaty Conference, National Convention Centre, Canberra, 29 August 2002)

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