Previous referendums

1944 Referendum

Constitution Alteration (Post-War Reconstruction and Democratic Rights) 1944 (Cth)

Charlie Fox, ‘The Fourteen Powers Referendum of 1944 and the Federalisation of Aboriginal Affairs’ (2008) 32 Aboriginal History 27

1967 Referendum

Constitution Alteration (Aboriginals) 1967 (Cth)

Bain Attwood and Andrew Markus, The 1967 Referendum: Race, Power and the Australian Constitution (Aboriginal Studies Press, 2007)

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs 1967 Referendum website

John Gardiner-Garden, ‘The 1967 Referendum – History and Myths’ (Research Brief No 11, Australian Parliamentary Library, 2 May 2007)

National Archives of Australia 1967 Referendum website

National Museum of Australia 1967 Referendum website

Reconciliation Australia 1967 Referendum website

1999 Referendum

Constitution Alteration (Preamble) 1999 (Cth)

Australian Electoral Commission 1999 Referendum website

Mark McKenna, Amelia Simpson and George Williams, ‘With Hope in God, the Prime Minister and the Poet: Lessons from the 1999 Referendum on the Preamble’ (2001) 24 University of New South Wales Law Journal 401

Other Resources

Australian Electoral Commission Referendums website

Scott Bennett and Sean Brennan, ‘Constitutional Referenda in Australia’ (Research Paper No 2, Australian Parliamentary Library, 24 August 1999)

Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies, Fact Sheet 9.1: Changing the Australian Constitution

‘Part 5: Referendums and Plebiscites’, Parliamentary Handbook of the Commonwealth of Australia (Australian Parliamentary Library, 31st ed, 2008)

Cheryl Saunders, ‘The Parliament as Partner: A Century of Constitutional Review’ (Research Paper No 3, Australian Parliamentary Library, 15 August 2000)

George Williams and David Hume, People Power: The History and Future of the Referendum in Australia (UNSW Press, 2010)

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