About the Australian Indigenous Law Review
The Australian Indigenous Law Review is a publication of the Indigenous Law Centre at the University of New South Wales. It was created in 1996 as a partner publication to the Indigenous Law Bulletin as a forum for longer, more academic-style articles. The ILB publishes a variety of shorter articles and commentary.
Most editions of the AILR are general editions covering a range of topics. Occasionally, the AILR publishes thematic editions on matters of particular significance. Volumes 1 to 10 were published as the Australian Indigenous Law Reporter.
The journal is managed by a team of scholars with expertise in areas such as public and constitutional law, human rights, international law, land rights, intellectual property, housing law, heritage protection, family violence, criminal law, commercial law and the impact of laws on women and children. A number of student interns and student editors assist with the production of the journal.
Enquiries about the journal can be sent to ailr@unsw.edu.au.
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