Volume 19 Number 1

This edition of the Australian Indigenous Law Review is a special edition on Indigenous Children’s Wellbeing.
Terri Libesman
Social Movements and the Law: Addressing Engrained Government-based Racial Discrimination Against Indigenous Children
Cindy Blackstock
Neoliberalism, Settler Colonialism and the History of Indigenous Child Removal in Australia
Anna Haebich
Surveillance, Stigma, Removal: Indigenous Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice in the Age of Neoliberalism
Chris Cunneen
Indigenous Child Welfare Post Bringing Them Home: From Aspirations for Self-Determination to Neoliberal Assimilation
Terri Libesman
Situating the Erosion of Rights of Indigenous Children
Linda Briskman
The Protection of Cultural Identity in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children Exiting from Statuory Out of Home Care Via Permanent Care Orders: Further Observations on the Risk of Cultural Disconnection to Inform a Policy and Legislative Reform Framework
Kyllie Cripps and Julian Laurens
Child Wellbeing and Protection as a Regulatory System in the Neoliberal Age: Forms of Aboriginal Agency and resistance Engaged to Confornt the Challenges for Aboriginal People and Community-based Aboriginal Organisations
Dr Deirdre Howard-Wagner
Lessons from the United States on Building More Effective Means of Addressing Indigenous Child Welfare Issues
Melissa L Tatum
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