Gesture Politics: Recognition Alone Won't Fix Indigenous Affairs

Read Professor Megan Davis’s article in The Monthly’s Summer Issue here. In it, Professor Davis looks at policy and structural changes that are having far more impact on Indigenous people than any symbolic recognition in the Constitution could possibly have – and not in a good way. There's also much to do by way of consultation before a direction and the form of recognition can be decided.

‘Most of the mob are waiting on a model before they can say which way they would vote. In fairness, this is a position any reasonable person would take before forming an opinion. The uncertainty alone distinguishes this process from the unanimity of 1967. There are a number of camps: a principled-resistance camp, a resistance-to-anything camp, a wait-and-see-camp, a not-yet camp. It is certain that the no-referendum option will also be on the table,’ she said.


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