Canadian Prof Dwight Newman to present at UNSW

The Indigenous Law Centre and the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law are pleased to announce a lunchtime seminar by Professor Dwight Newman on the recent decision of the Canadian Supreme Court in Tsilhqot’in Nation v British Columbia. The decision is the first ever declaration of Aboriginal title made by a Canadian Court.
We are fortunate that Professor Newman, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Rights in Constitutional and International Law at the University of Saskatchewan, is currently visiting Australia and is able to deliver a seminar on the implications of this significant decision.
All are welcome to attend and a light lunch will be provided for participants. For catering purposes, please RSVP to
Further details below:
“Canada’s Aboriginal Title Declaration in Tsilhqot’in: Legal Doctrine and Policy Implications”
Professor Dwight Newman
Wednesday 23 July 2014, 1 pm – 2 pm
Room G02, Ground Floor, Law Building
University of New South Wales
Abstract and bio
On June 26, the Supreme Court of Canada made the first declaration of Aboriginal title rendered in a Canadian courtroom. Its decision in the case, Tsilhqot’in, has a number of key implications for the doctrine of Aboriginal title and for Aboriginal law more broadly, as well as for policy in key natural resource contexts. The judgment will arguably be of interest both domestically and internationally as a major new decision on the doctrine of Aboriginal title. This seminar-style presentation will analyze the key aspects of the case and comment on claims (some correct and some incorrect) as to its implications for other litigation and negotiation on various Indigenous rights issues in Canada, thus seeking to offer comparative perspectives to an Australian audience.
Dwight Newman is Professor of Law & Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Rights in Constitutional and International Law, University of Saskatchewan. He completed his J.D. at Saskatchewan and B.C.L. and D.Phil. at Oxford University where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar. He has published over fifty journal articles, mostly on constitutional law and Indigenous rights, and his books include Community and Collective Rights (Hart 2011); Natural Resource Jurisdiction in Canada (LexisNexis Canada 2013); and Revisiting the Duty to Consult Aboriginal Peoples (Purich 2014).