Dr Kyllie Cripps to participate in panel discussion for Reclaim the Night, Sydney

Dr Kyllie Cripps has been invited to participate in Sydney's Reclaim the Night panel discussion on the topic of "Violence against women in mondern Australia". Dr Cripps is joined by Cassandra Giudice and Zahra Stardust.
The panel discussion is being held on Thursday the 26th of September in the Sutherland Room, Holme Building, University of Sydney at 5:30pm for a 6pm start.
For further information about this event, click here.
What is Reclaim the Night?
Reclaim the Night, also known as Take Back the Night, is an annual, international event which actively campaigns against all forms of violence against wom*n.
In every sphere of our lives wom*n negotiate the threat of rape, sexual assault, harassment and violence. In line with this; Reclaim the Night Sydney 2013 is taking a stand against violence in three key areas.
Firstly, we are challenging the existence of violent attitudes and behaviours displayed towards wom*n in institutions; this extends across representations of violence we see in popular media, as well as violence in the workplace, and violence directed towards refugees.
We are also protesting against domestic violence; with the Australian Bureau of Statistics reporting that 1 in 3 wom*n in Australia will experience domestic or family violence in their lifetime, removing the basic human right of a wom*n to be safe in her own home.
Reclaim the Night began as a way of reclaiming the streets, herein comes our third focus for Reclaim the Night 2013, violence on the streets. Whether it be homeless women, sex workers, or anyone with lived experience as a woman, violence on the streets poses a threat to all.
In addressing these issues, Reclaim the Night 2013 is reclaiming the streets, the home and the workplace, reclaiming the right of wom*n to engage in these spaces without fear.