Prof Megan Davis to present the Elliott Johnston Memorial Lecture 2013

Elliott Johnston Memorial Lecture
'Putting meat on the bones of the UNDRIP: Letters Patent and regional governance'
Last year we celebrated the fifth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (‘UNDRIP’); since its adoption by the UN General Assembly the UNDRIP has inspired expansive academic commentary reflecting anxiety about its binding status and domestic ‘implementation’. Yet in many ways and for a long time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have been leading states in ‘putting meat on the bones’ of the UNDRIP. This lecture will explore some examples with reference to the advocacy work in South Australia on Letters Patent and especially the regional approach to governance. Professor Davis argues that Indigenous activity and advocacy on the UNDRIP in Australia should be aimed at capturing this ‘implementation’.
Time: 5.30pm Tuesday 8 October
Venue: Flinders University Victoria Square
For more information about this event, click here.