ILC OPEN FORUM SERIES 'Australia's Mining Boom: The Impact on Aboriginal Communities'

Indigenous Law Centre Open Forum

The ILC Open Forum was held on Thursday the 4th April.  The forum was filmed by ABCTV Big Ideas, we will post the link onine as soon as we are notified.


Prof Marcia Langton 
Anthropologist and Geographer. Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne.

Prof Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh
Professor of Politics and Public Policy at the School of Government and International Relations, Griffith Business School and  Director of  Centre for Governance and Public Policy's Program on Politics, Resources and Sustainability.

Prof Megan Davis
Professor of Law and Director of Indigenous Law Centre UNSW. UN expert member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples.

In Australia over twenty per cent of the land mass is held by Aboriginal people in a variety of statutory land tenure systems including native title.  Therefore it is not surprising that over sixty per cent of mining projects in Australia are in close proximity to Aboriginal communities.  What are the implications of the current mining boom for these communities? Is the boom creating a ‘paradox of plenty’ or ‘resource curse’, with the wealth flowing elsewhere and Aboriginal people left to pick up the costs? Or does the boom represent a once-in-a-generation opportunity to help overcome Aboriginal and social disadvantage?

This Open Forum will discuss some of the beneficial impacts of the mining boom including indigenous agreement-making, economic development and capacity building, indigenous employment and improved infrastructure as well as the adverse effects on  cultural and community well being and on  Aboriginal  peoples’ access to affordable housing and health services.  

Everyone  welcome. RSVP

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